• David Heath posted an update 3 years, 5 months ago

    It takes courage to recover. Recovery means facing your fears. Fear has an acronym. “Face evrything and recover” or “forget everything and run” since I have recovered from a hopeless state of mind and body my fears are much easier to face now. I have faith that my higher power will help me overcome whatever fear I may have. Hope this reading helps you the way it did me.

    “Do not be afraid.”
    For perfect love casts out all fear.
    Jesus came bringing peace that the world could never give.

    Jesus came bringing light that the darkness could never overcome.

    Jesus came bringing freedom from the barrier of sin and brought victory over death, once and for all.

    The opposite of fear is not really simply “courage,” but it is peace, faith, love, the assurance that we are held by a God who is Mighty and Sovereign and Strong.

    Many of you have faced deep loss this year, the hurt of losing a loved one too soon, illness, cancer, financial troubles, or job loss. Others are struggling through the pain of broken relationships. Many are fighting depression and despair, facing addictions and giants that seem too big.

    Whatever you might be battling this season, I pray that you will find deep peace in Him. The One who loves you so much and says, “Do not fear…”

    He is greater. Always. He came to overcome it all. And He is with us.

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