• tjcon posted an update 3 years, 2 months ago

    Thursday, March 11
    Thought for the Day

    By having quiet times each morning, we come to depend on God’s help during the day, especially if we should be tempted to take a drink. And we can honestly thank Him each night for the strength He has given us. So our faith is strengthened by these quiet times of prayer. By listening to other members, by working with other alcoholics, by times of quiet meditation, our faith in God gradually becomes strong. Have I turned my drink problem entirely over to God, without reservations?

    Meditation for the Day

    It seems as though, when God wants to express to men what He is like, He makes a very beautiful character. Think of a personality as God’s expression of character attributes. Be as fit an expression of Godlike character as you can. When the beauty of a person’s character is impressed upon us, it leaves an image which in turn reflects through our own actions. So look for beauty of character in those around you.

    Prayer for the Day

    I pray that I may look at great souls until their beauty of character becomes a part of my soul. I pray that I may reflect this character in my own life.

    • I have to put my head down and hit my knees before I start the day! My new challenge is to remember the reverence and awe of God! Not just superficial prayers for help and guidance, BUT in awe of his unending HOPE and amazing GRACE!!

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