• AnthonyF posted an update 2 years ago

    The way I see you is not always the way you actually look. The images in my line of sight are defined by my internal condition. What that means is that if the wheels are turning inside my skull and my focus is centered on a negative emotion then my perception becomes clouded and I start to influence the world around me in a negative way.
    Waking up on the wrong side of the bed , so to speak, can quickly become putting on the wrong clothes , drinking the wrong coffee, taking the wrong way to work, people having the wrong look on their faces, etc…
    Our minds our complex, so much so that sometimes when you dream, one side of the brain is creating the dream while the other is experiencing it and neither one is aware of what the other is doing. Maybe that is a part of the Devine spark in each of us. How we can literally create the world we experience with our thoughts and our words.Maybe that’s why it’s Soo important to choose both of those very carefully.
    Knowing that there was a time when you thought you would never draw breath again, and being brought out of that hell , doesn’t always mean you will be grateful for every breath you take. Clancy says you have to create moments of intermittent gratitude.
    Purposefully seek it and recognise it.
    Things and people don’t lose their shine, we lose our gratitude for them and they start to become a mirror for our discontent.
    Maybe that’s why keeping a firm grasp on our own personal bottom is soo important.
    Maybe it helps keep our perspective grounded.
    I hope a small part of me never forgets what nothing feels like. I pray I never allow myself to get caught up in possession and the attainment of things that don’t truly matter. When the clock runs out I’m sure the only thing I’ll really wish for is to be able to turn the hands back and get a little more precious time with the ones I cherish.
    I’m sure that if in that last moment I was gifted with all the currency this world has to offer , I would happily trade it all away for 5 more minutes with my loved ones.

    ~~~~ Anthony F~~~~

    • How have you been Anthony??

      • Hey Ash. I’m doing really well. Living in ETown working and doing what I can. I’ll be seeing you guys soon I hope.
        Love y’all.
        Tell everyone I said hi and I am still very very grateful for the way you all handled my ornry ass when I was there on marydell. I was given a great beginning.

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