• AnthonyF posted an update 1 year, 11 months ago

    An informed person has the best chance of self advocating a plan of recovery that they have the best likelihood of acting on. It would be easy for any of us to think that our way is the only way based on the fact that it was effective for us. My beliefs are built upon the foundation layed by the people that I trusted and was able to relate to when i reached my personal bottom. So my ego would love to look at someone who is trying to make a start and tell them that the way i went is the way you have to go. But thats a false statement. Maybe a person stopping the harm they are doing to themselves and others is really all that matters. How they get there is irrelevant. If someone looks at my life and can relate to my story and feels like they can trust me and asks me how i got to where im at then i can share the path i took, but if i cannot articulate that to them with tolerance for the fact that they may not agree with all of it, or for that matter ANY of it , then it is irresponsible for me to push my ego driven propaganda upon them. All i can ever hope to be is a vessel, and hopefully when the time comes ill have the dignity and respect to be as caring and open and honest with someone if they reach out to me. Until then my job is to do what is in front of me to do, stay connected through the disciplines that have worked in my life and leave the rest to the god of my understanding that delivered me from a hopeless state.

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