
  • Profile picture of Rich
    active 1 week, 2 days ago
  • Profile picture of Doug Conrad
    active 3 years, 7 months ago
    I have to show some gratitude today to Stepworks of London, Stepworks of Nicholasville, my wife, kids,sister, brother in law and the company that is giving me a chance. 75 days ago I was lost in the madness of my addiction I had almost destroyed anyone or anything that I loved or loved me and after 25+ years of addiction and trafficking I only saw the same thing for what short life I had left. I never thought of my future or the future of my family. In my addiction I only went a day at a time and fuck the rest. Through all of that I damn near destroyed my marriage dcbs stepped in and took my kids from the home and I had no choice but to call my sister and brother-in-law who I had pretty much cut ties with because they didn't buy or sell drugs. I begged them to come get my 3 son's or they were going to Foster care without skipping a beat they were on their way to get my boys and bring them to there home of 4. After spending a couple days in jail my first thought was to go back home and smoke/shoot as much meth as I could hustle up after 3 or 4 days here my sister and brother-in-law came. My brother-in-law told me I was coming with them one way or another I thought of everything to try to not go. But I did and my wife and I checked into 2 different Stepworks which no doubt saved or lives. Today after doing the right things for a few months and joining the program we're both working paying taxes and about to move to the nicest place we've ever lived. I've started a job in a company that beliefs in second chances and after my background check everything is in the open and they even broke policy with the go ahead from the president from the the Japan plant. I feel blessed to have stumbled into not just a job but a career. They also do a lot of giving back to the community which is also good for my recovery
  • Profile picture of cory rawlings
    active 4 years ago
    @chadjones Guess you made it that's great man