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  • Happy.Monday everyone! Just wanted to say how.thankful.i am that i.found this app and for all the support everyone showed a few days ago when I was struggling. I’m happy to say I have a plan in place with my IOP counselor and I am determined to keep trying!

  • Im struggling with relapsing, I’m in an IOP program and in fear of being kicked out and having to start a new program. I love my counselor and my entire program, I almost feel like I’m destined to be an addict. I’m 40 years old and all of my 10 brothers and sister except one are addicts. and I’ve been though so many programs and never do succeed.

    • Hi @Rgreenlee165. Glad to see you were able to share the pain you are feeling. Hang on and don’t give up. My experience has been with Relapse. When I got sick and tired, I finally made the decision to try even harder when I came back with the program. I know I will be an addict the rest of my life, however I don’t let it define who my character is…[Read more]

    • @Rgreenlee165, thanks for sharing, many of us have had the same experience. Have you watched our Addiction 101 courses? Are there any 12 step fellowships in your area? If so the suggestions that seasoned members of those fellowships may give you relating to practicing the 12 steps daily may be of help to you.. I would be more than happy to share…[Read more]

    • Hey @rgreenlee165! I’m glad you like your counselor and the IOP program. Your counselor is your advocate and they want to help you. In order for them to help, it is important to be honest with them about your struggles with relapse. They can likely help you in developing a more effective Relapse Prevention Plan. Thank you for sharing with us.…[Read more]

    • Hey my name is Stephen and I get where you are coming from. But you have to know that you can get through this. it’s not easy and it’s going to be hard as fuck but you can do. You have to have some Faith, some good friends and support. I’m going through some of the same things just know your not alone and we got this.

  • Rgreenlee165 became a registered member 4 years, 5 months ago