
  • Profile picture of Rich
    active 2 weeks, 2 days ago
    24 Hours A Day May 6 AA Thought for the Day I’ve noticed that the ones who do the most for AA are not in the habit of boasting about it. The danger of building myself up too much is that, if I do, I’m in danger of having a fall. That pattern of thought goes with drinking. If one side of a boat gets too far up out of the water, it’s liable to tip over. Building myself up and drinking go together. One leads to the other. So if I’m going to stay sober, I’ve got to keep small. Have I got the right perspective on myself? Meditation for the Day The way sometimes seems long and weary. So many people today are weary. The weariness of others must often be shared by me. The weary and the heavy-laden, when they come to me, should be helped to find the rest that I have found. There is only one sure cure for world-weariness and that is turning to spiritual things. In order to help bring about the turning of the weary world to God, I must dare to suffer, dare to conquer selfishness in myself, and dare to be filled with spiritual peace in the face of all the weariness of the world. Prayer for the Day I pray that I may be a help to discouraged people. I pray that I may have the courage to help bring about what the weary world needs but does not know how to get.
  • Profile picture of aaron.smallwood
    active 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    I once heard an old timer say, "It's great to have many years sober, but recovery is really about quality, not quantity." This really made me stop and think about what constitutes quality recovery. When we see someone who has the kind of recovery we want, what are the aspects of how that person lives life that makes their recovery attractive to us? I would love to hear what the rest of you think.
  • Profile picture of SaraS
    active 2 years, 11 months ago
  • Profile picture of jbenni79
    active 3 years, 1 month ago
    💙 this!
  • Profile picture of Robbie Fleming
    active 3 years, 9 months ago
    "Recovery is a process of discovery. We learn about ourselves, and we learn how to cope with the world around us. When we are sincere in our desire to allow our higher power to care for us, we begin to gain a sense of serenity. We notice a gradual change in our thinking. Our attitudes and ideas become more positive. Our world is no longer distorted by self-pity, denial, and resentment. We are beginning to replace those old attitudes with honesty, faith and responsibility; as a result, we begin to see our world in a better light. Our lives are guided by our emerging integrity. Even though we make mistakes, we become more willing to take responsibility for our actions. We learn that we don't have to be perfect to live a spiritual life. When we work step three with an open mind and heart, we find the results are far beyond our expectations. " It Works How and Why pg24
  • Profile picture of Jenbrink
    active 4 years, 1 month ago
    Today is my 90 days and I am just so grateful! Grateful to God, stepworks and the staff, the program I was introduced to while I was there! I am grateful that stepworks didn't just tell me to quit using, they helped me figure out why I was using in the first place! I am grateful that I can smile today in the sunshine and know that it is authentic! I am grateful to know this is a lifelong journey but I only have to take it one day at a time! Love all you beautiful people!
  • Profile picture of AmandaD
    active 4 years, 3 months ago
    Dope, dope, dope it makes me lose all hope! If only I could cope. This is horrible life makes me wanna croke. My arms are so sore from all these pokes. Look at me I'm a fucking joke. I am almost to the end of my rope. All i do is sit around and mope. I am sick of looking through this scope. Dope, dope, dope. Fight, fight, fight ya know I think I just might. The bottom is in sight. I am so sick of being so pale white. I want to be a delight not a fright. I know my future is so bright. I just have to get back up and do right. Rome wasn't built over night. I will stand up and fight. Recovery is in sight, I am on the next flight. Relax easy does it, Im calling it a night. I just wrote this and i need help.