• TimC posted an update 2 years, 8 months ago

    Do we lie and telll tales of the darkest of days and wait for someone to come to our aid as the noose that we made for ourselves just hangs do we press forward in life ashamed and think someone else has to get us outta this pain things change and they won’t ever be the same there’s no more passion in anything only failure yes we fail to believe in ourselves that we can help change something today we can cut the noose down and walk away but we need a reminder of the everlasting pain if we really changed then there’s no need for it anyway instead of asking why get on your knees and pray get off your ass make someone else’s day its about helping others to finally feel ok no more judging before you’ve givin em a chance anyway someone picks up the fone when you call and says hey that fone can weigh a thousand pounds if you let it be that way its like Thor’s hammer no one can pick it up but u so choose is it the fone or the noose I could tell u what I’d do but I’m not you and I can’t choose is it really pain or just substance abuse do u feel sad or is that what the drugs told you do you really love them cause I know that’s not true I know what I’d do do u today someone picks up their first and someone their last and there being remembered of using in their past and that’s facts that doesn’t have to be u can’t u see the promises are real just like you and me their not a dream I see someone using i wanna scream but I gotta see that I can only choose for me i say that selflessly so I’ll be here so they can see that they can be free bound down in their heads to blind to see the possibilities that there can be for you That I can see but until their minds are free they don’t have the eyes to see thoughts not their own so their thinkin mindlessly I pray that one day misery will come like in my life so divinely and it breaks the chains at the exact right timing and right where I was supposed to find me now I’m right where I’m supposed to be so listen to me closely god will take u where you are supposed to be let go of control keep god closely seek and you’ll find the answers will come rolling they’ve always been there we just like controlling the outcome as if we are differnt go figure we’re not unique there’s a bigger picture and until u pray it’s hard for the pain to go away and the addiction will follow you like a stowaway so give it to god and let it go today

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